
“ I believe there exists One Supreme Being, the Absolute Infinite, a Dynamic Force that governs the world and universe. It is an unseen spiritual power that vibrates and all other powers fade into insignificance beside it. So, therefore, it is Absolute!… … I shall call it “Reiki”… ”

– Hawayo Takata

Reiki Healing Services


Sometimes we forget that we are celestial beings made of energy both spiraling and vibrating. We need to connect to the greater energy source and ground ourselves to maintain our well-being just as we maintain our more earthly body, and I’ve found that Reiki is the most effective way to do this (although bare feet in beach sand is pretty good!).

In my 25 years of practicing Reiki, I have found that I am more grounded, centered, and better able to cope with daily stress and anxiety. It is my intention that it will bring these benefits to you as well.

1-hour session $75


What to Expect From Your Treatment

You will arrive dressed comfortably and will spend the duration of your treatment on a massage table, or in a chair if required (this will not affect the treatment). Be prepared to relax and focus with me on any areas of concern so we can assist your body’s natural ability to repair and heal itself.

I will begin with a course of aromatherapy (so please arrive scent-free) to help with intention and to bring you into the present moment. Following this, I will use vibrational sound therapy to loosen and unblock your energy centers and assist me in finding the problem areas in your energy field.

The Reiki treatment that follows is a very gentle laying on of hands (or can be touch free if you prefer without affecting the results). During this time I will scan and move energy, spending time in whatever areas I find are blocked, stagnant, or heated for as long as is necessary.

Most sessions take between 45 minutes to an hour, sometimes longer if needed, and though one session can bring much relief, most people benefit from recurrent sessions.

Regular treatments are effective not only as pain management but moreover as a relaxation technique that unblocks the energy centers in the body to assist you in functioning at a higher vibration physically, mentally, and spiritually.

*Energy healing treatments are not intended to replace your traditional health regime, only to assist. Please see a doctor for medical diagnosis and treatment whenever necessary.

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